The Guild Hunter Series Wiki

Character Description[]

Cassandra is another Sleeping Ancient Archangel who has been asleep for so long she is mere legend. She had the gift of prophecy, gained during her ascension. She ascended during the Cascade of Terror.

It is told that she has must have gone to the Sleep of the Archangels after clawing out her eyes in a vain attempt to stop the visions.


Powers & Abilities[]

  • Prophecy—gained on ascension
  • Telepathy
  • controls white owls with golden eyes
  • can fire bursts of violet colored energy

Physical Description[]

  • hair: waves of purest lilac that fell down her back like water
  • eyes: empty, bleeding orbs; seafoam green that bled into indigo with edges of clear sky blue
  • skin: pearl white
  • her wings were a violet so deep it was blue

Character Description[]

  • chooses to Sleep rather than become mad

Love Interests[]

Known Prophecies of Cassandra[]

Ambrosia will flow and a mortal will be made an angel when an archangel loves true


  • Raphael makes Elena into an Angel

A time of death

A time of life

The drinker of blood lost

The agony of rebirth

The last feather to fall

Such eyes of wild fire, Such broken dreams

One must die for one to live

And the birds, ah, the birds always know


  • The drinker of blood lost - the vampire who falls into the lava pit
  • The agony of rebirth - the new power that Raphael gains
  • The last feather to fall - when the last of Elena's feathers fall
  • One must die for one to live - Elena's second becoming

It will begin in liquid fire

In sand that flows

In ice sharp as knives

In the death of one


  • It will begin in liquid fire - lava pit forming in the Catskills
  • In sand that flows - monsoon rains flooding the deserts of Africa
  • In ice sharp as knives - ice storm in Qatar
  • In the death of one -
Archangel of Death. Goddess of Nightmare. Wraith without a shadow.
Rise, rise, rise into your Reign of Death.
For your end will come.
Your end will come.
At the hands of the new and of the old.
An Archangel kissed by mortality.
A silver-winged Sleeper who wakes before his Sleep is done.
The broken dream with eyes of fire.
Shatter. Shatter. Shatter.


  • Archangel of Death. Goddess of Nightmare. Wraith without a shadow. — Lijuan
  • Archangel kissed by mortality — Raphael (because of Elena)
  • Silver-winged Sleeper who wakes before his Sleep is done — Alexander
  • Broken dream with eyes of fire — yet unknown

Goddess of Nightmare. Wraith without shadow. Rising into her Reign of Death.

Wings of silver. Wings of blue.

Mortal heart. Broken dreams.

Shatter. Shatter. Shatter

A sundering.

A grave.

I see the end. I see.....


  • A grave - Antonicus' tomb

Watch the Sea of Atlas. Death comes.


  • Lijuan attacks from the Atlantic Ocean

Associated Characters, Groups, Places, etc.[]

Events in the Series[]

This section may have spoilers. Think of the book title as a "Spoiler Warning" if you haven’t read it yet.

8. Archangel's Enigma[]

Lijuan's scribe reads the prophecy and reports that Cassandra was it's source.[1] Xi believes that Cassandra’s prophecy made it clear Alexander was a threat to that future peace.[2]

See Also[]

Book References[]
